The Seven Kinds of Affairs – What Are They?

Knowing The Seven Kinds of Affairs

Have you noticed how a number of marriages fall apart because of extra-marital affairs? Have you seen a lot of couples break up due to unfaithfulness? The issue of having affairs has become phenomenal. It is no longer unusual these days. As a matter of fact, more than half of the total married couples have gone through the issue of extra-marital affairs.

Different Kinds of Affairs

Every affair outside marriage may be considered as sinful. However, while some might say there is only one kind of affair – and that is the sinful affair – in general, there are seven (7) specific kinds of affairs all in all. The kinds of affairs listed below are based upon the reason as to why a spouse has failed to be loyal and faithful to his/her partner.

 1.) The Lust Affair

We cannot deny that there are people who are just lustful in nature. Some people just find it hard to resist the temptation around them. They always have sexual desire for different people. Just because they are lustful does not already mean that they do not love their partner. Most of the time, the beat of their heart is different from the heat of their body.

 2.) The Denial Affair

This kind of affair is quite common, but not as common as the others. This is the type of affair wherein one or two of the people involved (the married person and the third party) are in denial about their affair. This means that they do not see their relationship as an affair. One good example of this is a younger sister and a married brother who tease each other erotically. They might not consider this as an affair due to the fact that they are “siblings.”

 3.) The Soulmates Affair

This kind of affair is probably among the most common kinds of affair. In this affair, the spouse who is guilty of adultery has found a lot of similarities with his/her extra-marital love interest. This may be due to the fact that the two have the same sexual interests, spiritual interests, intellectual interests and the likes.

 4.) The “Personal Issues” Affair

Most often than not, this kind of affair is just temporary. It just pops out of nowhere. This usually happens when a person remembers something so tragic. This despair leads him/her to something he/she must not do – having sexual intercourse with someone whom he/she is not married to.

 5.) The Mid-Life Affair

Couples do not hit milestone stages (such as menopause) at the same time. This means that someone might no longer be active sexually while the other one is still left with the burning desire to engage in sexual activities. In the end, the one who is not yet on his/her milestone stage looks for someone whom he/she can have some good time with.

 6.) The Revenge Affair

This affair is usually the result of extreme hatred and anger toward your partner. Probably, the other spouse has made something that made his/her partner unhappy and mad. As a way to get even, his/her partner decided to cheat on him/her.

 7.) The Unnoticed Partner Affair

This affair usually blooms when one of the couple is too busy with his/her other activities such as studies, career, home chores and more. He/she is too busy to mind and to give time to his/her partner. As a result, his/her partner looks for someone who can give him/her the time and attention he/she wanted from his/her spouse.

If you do not want to suffer from a failed marriage, you better remember all these kinds of affair. Avoid all the causes of affairs if you can. This is the only way you can keep your marriage long-lasting. However, many people will attest to the positive aspects of having an affair and that it has somehow made them have a reality check about their existing married relationship.

DesignedToCheat.Com: The Rise of Internet Extramarital Affairs

As society loosens it’s reigns on what is morally acceptable, the traditional marriage has been caught up in the proverbial mosh pit fun, freedom and sex. You can no longer turn a blind eye to the increasing popularity of marital affairs websites. There are over 250 married dating sites.

Though all may not be up to par, they are still there. Granting the overworked business man a sweet companion during short business trips or the lonely, under-appreciated housewife to find intrigue and infatuation with a desirable distraction. The Internet has become a portal for quick anonymous hook-ups anywhere.

The recession has been a big factor in the increased use of these sites. With so many out of work, stressed over bills and child care and dwindling sexual intercourse with their partner, signing up for one of these help you cheat websites becomes more alluring by the minute. The financial benefit for someone attractive and looking to cash in or supplement their income could be endless.

Websites like Erotic Affairs, Adult Dating Network, Ashley Madison and Local Hookups all allow you the ease of creating profiles and connecting married people together that are looking for a little something on the side. These sites allow discreet billing so the chances of getting caught via bank statements are slim to none compared to other marital dating websites. That extra protection entices those riding the fence into unknown territory.

Books That Reference Affairs

There are many books, blogs and research dedicated to the mystery of monogamy and whether it is something that can really be attained fully with complete happiness in all facets of life. Catherine Hakim wrote: The New Rules: Internet Dating, Playfairs and Erotic Power joining the growing masses who challenge if monogamy is an innate characteristic in humans. Engaging in an affair can be addicting to even the most seasoned cheater. Seduced by the fantasy, the danger and the sexual power fuels today’s married to venture into a somewhat toxic other realm.

The owner of these sites is noticing the profit of online dating sites that not only cater to the married, but to the single population also. Single based dating sites are seeing an increase in profiles made by married men and women. The extramarital affair use to be a niche market, but as the use of the sites grow they are making the curve to more mainstream markets.

Increasing the profits of the website owners and operators. In turn, creating a demand for devices and software aimed towards capturing a cheating spouse. Small start-ups and techies everywhere are cashing in on apps, tools and software that allow you to spy on your mate. Not to say that will deter new people from signing up to marital dating websites, just that the new ‘married-dater’ will be a lot more cautious.

Internet dating will be around as long as there is the Internet and married people will cheat as long as there is a reason to. The combination makes it easier to fulfill the burning desires of the unhappily married. For those who crave more, but aren’t will to give up on the foundation that was built to sustain a business partnership, a political stand or love.